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The Love Wrap Heart

Created in Toronto FOR women, BY women...Because sometimes we need even bigger hearts.

The Love Wrap is all about comfort & courage.

The idea for The Love Wrap came from a little girl who told her mom, “I’ve reached that point where everything bothers me.” If you are a sensitive person in this world, you know what she means. It’s those days when you’re being asked to hold more than you imagined you could. It’s those moments when you just want to come home, wrap yourself up, and remind yourself that everything will be okay.

That’s where The Love Wrap comes in. It’s like a warm, comforting hug you can wear. I designed it with a high collar, deep pockets, and soft organic fabric. And each Love Wrap is hand wrapped by me, infused with Reiki energy to support the woman who wears it.

The Love Wrap is perfect for those moments when you need a little extra comfort, but it also makes a heartfelt gift for a friend who could use a reminder that you’ve got her back–that she’s loved and she’s not alone. It’s a touchstone of wearable courage, passed from one woman to another.

So, whether you’re snuggled up on the couch with a cup of tea or gifting a friend some cozy goodness, The Love Wrap is here to wrap you in comfort and courage.

Get cozy. Rest. And keep doing your brave thing in the world.

Wearable Courage

Order below or visit my Etsy shop!

Your Love Wrap is:

Colours: Grey or Lavender
Sizes: XS, S, M, L

Please note: We are sold out of medium grey and large lavender

Cost: $135
(add $15 if shipped in Ontario)

To order your size and colour preference, use the Paypal buttons below. If you prefer, you can email your order and etransfer payment or visit my Etsy shop:

Your order will be complete once payment is received. If you live in Toronto, you are welcome to pick up your Love Wrap in person (Yonge & Davisville area). If you would prefer to have it shipped directly to you, be sure to choose the shipping option below (or include $15  with your etransfer).
This is a labour of love and I hope it brings you and the women in your life a lot of cozy comfort.
Dana Signature



The Love Wrap Sizes
The Love Wrap Heart


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